Sunday, September 30, 2012

Groovy! has given me a new way to enjoy my Rick photos - in collage form!

Say hello to my desk top XD

Saturday, September 8, 2012


I was supposed to have a poster similar to this picture.  It never arrived.  I contacted the seller, and I was told a replacement would be shipped.  I have received shite.

I ordered a t-shirt not that long ago.  It should arrive soon. I have a feeling it won't.  Why am I doomed when it comes to The Band merchandise in the mail?  Motherfucker!

There is no possible way I could be any more in love with this man than I already am.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

I think I am now in possession of every picture of Rick Danko that ever existed.

I wish!  Could you imagine baby pictures?! Eep!

I need to seek professional help.  I am entirely too in love with this man.  Please send help.  No, don't.  I rather enjoy it.

How to describe Rick?

He had a huggable, bouncy, cuddly body, a handsome, distinguished face.

His voice was heartbreakingly beautiful, harmonious, expressive,passionate.

Adjectives fail me.  He was just that fucking perfect and beautiful, until the day he died.

Saturday, August 25, 2012


Some of my friends are good with picture editing. I love those friends.

Friday, August 24, 2012

*Jaw Drops*

Why do these exist?  Whyyyyy???  To torture me?  Oh, but I love them so!

Monday, August 20, 2012

I Almost Did It

I'm listening to The Band (natch) and "It Makes No Difference" came on.   I readied myself to listen to that heart wrenching song.   I listened to the opening notes, took a deep breath...and hit "next".   I just couldn't do it.  

Saturday, August 18, 2012


Iwanttofuckyou.  I mean, I'm a fucking lady! I mean, fuck!  (fuck me, please?)

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


This, ladies and gentlemen, is the reason I am unmarried.  He's gone.  Dammit.

Thursday, August 9, 2012


More Ricksomnia, but not the good kind.  It's nearly 2 a.m. and I'm up drinking coffee and listening to Rick. And crying.  I'm crying for a lot of reasons, but one of them is because Rick isn't here anymore, not physically, anyway.  I sure hope he's around somewhere, in some form.  He is loved and missed by so many.

Dammit, Rick.  We want you back again.   You goofy, kind, sexy, sweet, handsome, talented man.  Rest well, you sweet, sweet angel.  You deserve it.

If I only had a time machine...

Ladies and Gentlemen...

I ask you, does it get any cuter than this?

How's this for sexy?

I'm dying here, seriously.  

Things I Love to Hear Rick Say (Part 1)

"Baby" or "Babe".  Gods!   I just *LOVE* to hear those words out of Rick's beautiful, golden throat.  I can imagine him calling me his baby...

Rick Songs That Make Me Cry

 "When You Awake"

"It Makes no Difference"


"Sip the Wine"

"Book Faded Brown"

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Last Waltz - Part 1

*Le Sigh*

Rick Danko was the most beautiful man who ever lived.  Need proof?  

Yes, I will take any excuse to post pictures of Rick Danko.  Not that I need an excuse. XD

Monday, August 6, 2012

Just so you know...

When that chorus of voices sings "behind" behind Bob Dylan, it's all Danko.  That beautiful sound is coming out of this throat:

Sweet Jesus, that throat!  

How is that possible? I can't even imagine.  Oh, that voice...mmmmm...makes me feel all warm and tingly..

(Start it at about a minute in unless you want to hear the banter between Bob and some d-bags in the audience.)

Sunday, August 5, 2012

His neck

Oh, sweet Jesus (and I'm not even a Christian) his neck!

To kiss the hollow of that throat... Bliss!

This poster shall soon be mine

 Oh, my gods, yes...

It really brings out those vampire tendencies...


Mmm....Look at those lovely, long fingers.  


Yeah, I kinda want to bite it.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Only You, Rick

Only you could wear a mullet and get away with it.
Only you could say "expresso" and not make me want to smack you.
Only you can make me cry when you sing.

He really could've gotten away with a lot of shit with me. All he'd have to do is look at me with those puppy dog eyes, smile that sweet, sexy smile... Geezus.

OMG The Dancing!

I love the Danko Shuffle, and I love his version of this song.  Oh, did I mention I just love HIM?!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Coffee with Rick

It's nearly 7:00 in my favorite city and even though I'm 8 hours behind in time, I'm having coffee.  I love having coffee with Danko.  It's the hightlight of my morning or evening.

Monday, July 30, 2012


Seriously, Rick, I love you so much it hurts.  Why did you have to be so fucking amazing?

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Obsessed with Rick Danko? Moi?

So, yeah, I might be a *little* bit obsessed with Rick Danko.  I made a list of things that drive me wild.  These items are in no particular order.

1. His lips
2. His smile
3. His eyes
4. His hair
5. His jaw
6. His neck
7. His hands
8. His shoulders
9. His chest
10. His biceps
11. His speaking voice
12. His kindness
13. His sense of humor
14. His singing voice
15. His "fashion sense" - or lack thereof!
16. His nose
17. His ears
18. His facial hair
19. His bum

This list is a work in progress. I'll add to it as I think of new items.  I think about Rick Danko every 5 minutes, anyway.  If I go that long.

Some Shots of Rick Singing